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Voula Varnavelias

Vice President - Client Service

Milford, CT

Contact Voula

Voula joined TrinityPoint Wealth in February of 2022 as a Senior Client Associate. Voula strives to ensure our clients are provided with outstanding client service and goes above and beyond to assist their needs. She is a highly energetic, focused team player with great organizational and operational skills.

Before joining TrinityPoint, Voula worked at Weeden Prime Services, a leading Prime Brokerage Service provider for hedge funds where she served as an Onboarding Client Specialist and an Assistant to the Chief Compliance and Operating Officer for 6 years. Prior to that, Voula worked at Greenwich Prime Trading Group, an outsource trading desk and served as their office manager where she worked closely with hedge fund managers.

When not working, Voula is an avid Fitness instructor and enjoys exercising, going to the beach and spending quality time with her family. She is a proud wife and mother of 2 children.